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Angelo Savelli Fondazione Biscozzi | Rimbaud

An exhibition cured by de Paolo Bolpagni and Giovanni Battista Martini, from 12th february until 2 july 2023. Catalogue Dario Cimorelli Editore. Under the auspices of the Municipality of Lecce.

Inauguration of the exposition venue Biscozzi | Rimbaud

Fondazione Biscozzi | Rimbaud’s exhibition venue will be open to the public from Tuesday 2 March, by reservation only, due to the limitations caused by the Covid-19 emergency. For the same reason, the Foundation will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

The Biscozzi | Rimbaud Foundation

Fondazione Biscozzi | Rimbaud is a permanent exhibition space dedicated to Italian and European art of the twentieth century. It is located in the Old Town of Lecce and is a privately funded institution that receives no state subsidy.

CF: 97806520157 | P.IVA: 11629830966
Piazzetta Baglivi, 4 | Lecce